Thursday 22 February 2018

Coping with Limerence

What is limerence?  Limerence is an unpleasant and often misunderstood condition. Having limerence is not the same as a crush as it lasts much longer, often for decades. It is a kind of obsessive love that includes compulsive thoughts and fantasies. It is very difficult to overcome limerence. Also the emotional pain that is part of limerence is devastating and paralyzes the life of the limerent person. To constantly crave another person’s attention is like being in a self-made prison. 

But what if there was a way to trick or control your limerent brain to react differently to your addiction?

This short read book, written by a fellow limerent, proposes four types of self-help techniques to overcome feelings of desperation, overwhelm, loneliness and total despair. The author hopes to help others in the grip of limerence to cope and take back some control over their lives.

Coping with Limerence is available on Amazon Kindle.

Coping with Limerence

What is limerence?  Limerence is an unpleasant and often misunderstood condition. Having limerence is not the same as a crush as it lasts m...